GEN4STEM – GENder & GENeration for STEM

Empowering the next generation of women scientists and engineers!

Africa has the youngest population in the world that can be viewed as a powerful lever of development. According to Unesco, “more than 56 million young people between 15 and 24 years old – one over three young persons – have not completed primary school and do not have basic skills to get a job” (2011). Access to education and skills gaps are a crucial problem in Africa, especially for women. The higher we go, the harder we find young girls and women. In that way, the World Bank reported that in Subsaharan Africa, only 1 girl over 10 gets to university in 2020.  

This is why we designed and launched GEN4STEM, our 6-month online program (in English & French) addressing the gender gap in STEM to: 

  • Support young girls’ academic and career orientation in STEM
  • Offer mentoring
  • Provide skills development
  • Network with high-powered role models. 

Key Information

  • Self-funded
  • Endorsement :  Climate Action
  • 2022 GEN4STEM Report
  • 2023 GEN4STEM Report
  • Climate Chance GENSTEM Programme on the Global Map :



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    Our Team Members


    Awa Bousso DRAME

    Research Lead, GIS & Environmental/Hydrology Sciences

    Mouhammadou Mansour NGUIRANE

    Senior Software Engineer

    Amsata MBENGUE

    Senior Web Developer & Mecanical Engineer

    Khadim SECK

    CoastGIS Online Academy

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