For more Women in the Geospatial Industry

GMES & Africa is a continental program from the African Union Commission aiming to contribute to the development of local capacities, institutional, human and technical resources for access to and exploitation of EO-based services on an operational basis for sustainable development in Africa. GMES promotes Earth Observation, Space Sciences and Astronomy by focusing on 3 thematic areas Long-Term Management of Natural Resources, Marine and Coastal Areas, and Water Resources Management.
In March 2022, the African Union Geospatial program called Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES & Africa) launched a new governing body to foster Women inclusion in the geospatial industry.
Women in GMES & Africa aims to increase the number of women actively contributing, participating and benefitting from Earth Observation (across the continent). In her role of Secretary of Women in GMES, Ms Awa contributes to activities aim to :
- Strengthen Capacity-building: in relationship with the 8 Continental Consortia and the Academic Network of Women in GMES
- Offer Strategic networking & Visibility to build collaborations and maximize on the ground
- Support to include more women in the industry
Follow Women in GMES & Africa activities and opportunities on social media !
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Key Information
Space in Africa. 2022. ‘AUC Announces the Governing Council of the Women in GMES & Africa Group’. Space in Africa (blog). 19 March 2022.
African Union, and All for Science Media. 2023. Awa Bousso DRAME – CEO of CoastGIS Research Institute – Secretary of the Women in GMES & Africa. Continental GMES Forum on Geospatial Technologies. Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.
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